Kabaka Foundation Academy – Canada
Ainembabazi Desire
9 years old. She lives with both parents and 4 siblings.
Akanizuka Jordan
8 years old. Lives with a single mother and 4 other siblings.
Apio Esther
7 years old. Has never been to school. She lives with a single mother.
Asiimwe Gift
8 years old. Has never been to School. Lives with both parents and 5 other siblings.
Ayeko Innocent
7 years old. He has never been to school. Lives with a single mother who is a scrap collector.
Jeremiah Miracle
7 years old. He is in Primary 1 School. Lives with both parents and 6 other siblings.
Nakasaga Moureen
7 years old. He is in Primary 1 School. Lives with both parents and 6 other siblings.
Nakasango Lukia
10 years old. Living with a single dad and 1 sibling.
Nakato Najjuma
Nansubuga Kisakye
8 years old. Has never been to School. She lives with other 7 siblings.